Stained Glass Windows

"The Lord takes broken pieces and by His love makes us whole." ~Stained glass window made from shattered windows, First United Methodist Church, Oklahoma City, across from the Murrah Federal Building
I've always loved the beauty of stained glass windows. And yet, the truth is, when I am gazing at the artistry, I am not thinking about the fact that such stunning creativity comes from brokenness. Bits and pieces of glass pieced together just so by a master craftsman.
There are times in my life when I have felt shattered into a thousand little pieces.
Broken beyond repair.
My heart has been wounded, overwhelmed by too much heartache. I've held a precious friend as she's cried--or wished that someone would hold me while I cried. I've been hurt, or I've realized that I've hurt someone else.
Moments like these are devastating.
And into such moments, God steps and offers his love. His hope. He takes my shattered life and makes it whole again.
Like a master craftsman, he pieces together the fragments of my life and makes them something beautiful--something that reflects his glory.
Just Thinking Out Loud: We Accidental Pharisees need to remember "But God . . ."
Life is so very painful . . .but God offers hope in the midst of our pain. Life is so wearying . . . but God offers his strength. Life is so disappointing . . . but God promises to wipe every tear from our eye and to never leave us or forsake us. He promises to be our refuge and our strength. When our lives are shattered, we need to offer the fragments to our loving God and ask him to create a stained glass window that reflects his glory.
Labels: stained glass windows
I have always loved the beauty of stained glass, thank you for the parallel to life! I too often feel shattered!
Victoria (Vii), At
July 16, 2008 at 11:08 AM
"but God" .... so so so true! life can be a horrible, awful, painful time, BUT GOD uses it, comforts us, weaves good into it, and glorifies Himself thru our reliance on Him.
love this post! good stuff
gail, At
July 17, 2008 at 3:49 PM
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