Thankful Thursday # 6
"It's not what you look at that matters, it's what you see."
~ Henry David Thoreau
With thanks to Iris over at Sting My Heart for hosting Thankful Thursdays--and encouraging women all over the blogosphere to be grateful.
I saw two double rainbows this week--on two separate days. Both times, they disappeared into grey clouds only to reappear again. And both times, I tried to capture the sight with my camera, with little success. You have to be at just the right angle to get a good photo of a rainbow.
There's a life lesson there.
There were some difficult times this past week. Grey clouds.
But God always provided rainbows during those times--reasons to be thankful. I just had to be looking for them.
This week I am thankful for:
- my friend, Tiffany, over at Tea with Tiffany, who encouraged me to become a part of Thankful Thursday. She was right--this is a good, good community to be a part of.
- my "running partner" husband, Rob. The fact that I can even call him my running partner is amazing. He's encouraged this oh-so-beginning runner to keep on through cold and wind--and that's in July in Colorado!
- my family--my grown children and my caboose kiddo. That whole "through thick and thin" idea? We live that out with one another.
- the just-too-trendy box of clothes my younger sister sent to my 7-year-old. The entire time we unpacked it, Christa jumped up and and down and started sorting out which outfits to where when.
- an early to bed night finally!!
- the reminder that in oh-so-many ways, I am living my dreams. I found my true love. I have wonderful kiddos. I'm writing and I'm published.
- the constant truth that God's mercies are new every morning and His faithfulness is great and that He lavishes His grace on me.
Labels: Thankful Thursday
Thanks for sharing your very beautiful heart.
Denise, At
July 10, 2008 at 7:33 AM
What a lovely list to be thankful for. I especially enjoyed reading about your daughter and the box of new clothes - I could just picture the excitement. You have a very nice blog and I loved what you wrote in your bio about your family knowing you can't hear them when you're at the computer! Blessings! ~ Tracy
Tracy, At
July 10, 2008 at 7:47 AM
This is a wonderful thankful list. I can just see your wee one jumping up and down when she saw the new clothes. How exciting for her.
Enjoyed my visit. Come over to my Writing Nook sometime. I'd love to get to know you better.
Mary, At
July 10, 2008 at 10:52 AM
Great list! I think I shared w/ you before that my husband is my running partner as well. That is so neat. I just wish I felt more like a "partner" than a liability :) I cannot run fast at all and tire quickly - but am trying.
Have a blessed weekend.
Dana, At
July 10, 2008 at 10:56 AM
What is up with all you runners?
So many people I enjoy to "read" are RUNNERS. Where did all thee woggers go? I feel so alone?!!!!!!!!!!!! Well, I enjoyed your list anyways.* heehee Pray for me about the running thing. I'll start small. First I'll run to get my shoes, then run to the bathroom, run to start dinner, and run to let the dog out to pee... maybe I can build myself up?
and Happy TT
Oh yeah, what you wrote about finding your true love is swwweet. True love IS GRAND.
Leaon Mary, At
July 10, 2008 at 12:59 PM
Great list of things to be thankful for. We are so blessed...Happy Thankful Thursday!
Laurie Ann, At
July 10, 2008 at 1:18 PM
Beth...Praise God for friends like Tiffany who direct us to find a place to share our Thankful hearts for our LORD that even cares about hubbys being running partners...
how great that your family and life are something that you can give God glory and thanks!
Early to bed means early to rise so count on God waking you up and talk about that mercy & grace for HE'S faithful to wait and meet you
right where you are (inc. bed)!
May HE bless you and yours richly
as you decide what trendy clothes to wear...or the 7 yr. old!(lol)
Peggy, At
July 10, 2008 at 8:23 PM
So many beautiful things to be thankful for! Thank you for sharing them with us all! I need to remember to watch and see those blessings that God gives me each day, thank you for that reminder!
Victoria (Vii), At
July 10, 2008 at 9:41 PM
Hi, Beth. Thanks for your comment I'm reading the third book in the Yada Yada Prayer Group series, What Happens When Women Walk in Faith, and the Bible. I'm an avid reader. I just finished The Shack. As for Wilson, he's named after the Volleyball on Castaway. I wrote a post on him this morning, as a matter of fact. :)
Laurie Ann, At
July 11, 2008 at 7:20 AM
Don't all 7 year old girls love boxes of new clothes? :)
You're right - you are living your dreams. Isn't it wonderful? I just saw that you are coming to speak at Hearts at Home this fall. Awesome!
Heather , At
July 11, 2008 at 1:03 PM
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