Learning What to Wish For
"Do not wish to be anything except what you are."
~St. Francis De Sales
If I could, I would like to ask St. Francis what prompted him to say, "Do not wish to be anything except what you are."
Oh, really? And why not?
There's a part of me that wants to argue with that statement. I want to insist that surely I can come up with a new-and-improved version of me.
Sound like a Pharisee, don't I?
There's part of me that has to confess that "me" has been distorted--by the actions of others and by my own actions.
There are days I am not even sure who or what I am, it's all gotten so horribly mixed up in my circumstances and my own efforts to fix things.
And then I remind myself that it's not all up to me to figure out who or what I am.
I have a Creator-God who made me in His image. Who made me with a purpose in mind. Who knew exactly what He was about when he formed me in my mother's womb (Psalm 139).
And those truths give me hope.
Just Thinking Out Loud: So maybe this Accidental Pharisee got lost along the way. Maybe when I look in the mirror I'm not too certain who is looking back at me. Is that the woman God intended me to be or is it the woman I thought I was supposed to be?
It's not irrepairable. God is a God of miracles--and he can help me see myself more clearly. He can teach me who he made me to be. He can show me what his purpose is for my life.
Labels: learning to be me
Thank goodness it is not irrepairable and God loves us regardless and will help us to make it right.
Melanie, At
July 21, 2008 at 7:49 PM
It is wonderful and scary at the same time to know that we are NOT the ones in control! Knowing that He has a plan for my life is encouraging even though I have no idea what that entails! Thank you for another wonderful reminder!
Victoria (Vii), At
July 21, 2008 at 8:15 PM
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