Thankful Thursday #14

With thanks to Iris at Sting My Heart for giving me a chance to stop and be thankful--and for allowing my life to intertwine with so many other women whose grateful hearts encourage mine! Iris quoted Ecclesiastes this week--about ""For everything thing there is a season . . ."
I'm entering a season of letting go. My 20-year-old daughter, Amy, leaves next week for a 9 month mission trip to Nicaragua. It is what I call a "wonderful-horrible" mom moment.
It's wonderful because I know this is the next right step for my daughter. I know she will be right in the center of God's will for her life while she is down in Nicaragua.
And it is horrible because I love my daughter dearly and I will miss her every minute of every day she is gone, with every beat of my heart.
Today I am thankful for my daughter, Amy because:
- her courageous spirit challenges me to live without fear
- she has a sweet, merciful spirit. This is my child who said, "I love everybody's eyes, Mom. Even bats' eyes!"
- she chose her relationship with her dad and I over a tattoo. Need I say more?
- she may not keep her room neat, but then again, neither do I. But she has an amazingly creative ability. Just ask her art teacher!
- she lives life outside the box--following where God is leading her. Yes, that is scary for me--but it also makes me very, very proud.
- she has "emerald-sapphire" eyes--a beatiful blend of my green eyes and her dad's blue eyes. How fun is that?
- she embodies one of my favorite sayings: She is living her life out loud.
- she laughs with me, not at me, and she sings along with the radio with me and her sisters--there's nothing like a Mom and daughters car duet to make your day!
- she is willing to say, "I'm sorry" and she doesn't hold a grudge.
- she is a loyal friend--sticking with you through thick and through thin.
It's one thing to realize, "Wow, I'm so blessed to have such a wonderful daughter!" It's another thing to realize, "Wow--I'd be blessed to be my daughter's friend."
My daughter Amy is an amazing young woman--and I am blessed to be her mom. I hope I've earned the right to be her friend.
Labels: Amy, Thankful Thursday #14
Such a beautiful tribute to your dear daughter. May God be with her, and bless her sweetly as she answers His call upon her life.
Denise, At
September 4, 2008 at 3:08 AM
How beautiful she is! How well you can "see" the love for her in your words. What a beautiful tribute. What a beautiful thankful post!
Debra Kaye, At
September 4, 2008 at 6:20 AM
I hope you're happy.. you made me cry! I love you so much mom and you're definitely a great friend in my life.
justanothergirl, At
September 4, 2008 at 10:36 AM
Amy sounds like a young woman after God's own heart, and she has clearly stolen your own! She's a precious precious girl. I know you'll miss her while she's gone, but she will be smack dab in the center of God's will. I enjoyed your post. Happy Thankful Thursday!
Laurie Ann, At
September 4, 2008 at 10:47 AM
Well, I may have made my daughter cry when she read this post.
But, I cried as I posted it.
Good tears.
Proud tears.
Motherhood--tough stuff, huh?
Beth K. Vogt, At
September 4, 2008 at 11:43 AM
A beautiful post about your daughter... how proud you must be!
Happy Thankful Thursday!
Melanie, At
September 4, 2008 at 11:46 AM
what a beautiful tribute to your daughter. sounds like she has quite a mom too.
gail, At
September 4, 2008 at 12:23 PM
What a beautiful post, Beth. I understand your mixed emotions. My daughter Laura and her family are in Kenya as career missionaries. They've been gone 2 1/2 years and will come home for 1 year March of 2010. Not only did I need to let go of my daugther, but my 3 granddaughters as well. When they left, it was only 2, their 3rd was born November 1, 2007. I'm thankful that this mid November hubby and I get to make a trip to Kenya to see them and to finally meet our newest granddaughter!
Beth, I've always said, it's better to have your children on the other side of the world and in God's will, than living next door and out of it. I'm experiencing both right now. My son is a prodigal.
And now I'm in tears. My heart overflows.
Have a blessed weekend.
Marsha, At
September 4, 2008 at 2:09 PM
What a beautiful post in tribute of your daughter!! She is following God's heart for her.
I can read the love and joy you share in one another in your words. An amazing post!
sailorcross, At
September 4, 2008 at 4:58 PM
Hi Beth,
I will be praying for Amy....
Your Grateful, Momma heart blesses me. Isn't being a Mom the most wonderful thing?
The Shabby Secret Garden, At
September 4, 2008 at 6:36 PM
Hi Beth,
I just realized as I've been commenting across Thankful Thursday that I was signed in under my shabby secret garden blog... egads... ~ anyhow... just again want to say, I'm praying for Amy...
Hugs from the shabby olde potting shed, AND thee secret garden! ;)
Leaon Mary, At
September 4, 2008 at 7:19 PM
Oh Beth, I am speechless after reading this. What a beautiful post about your beautiful girl. I am praying for you and your Amy.
I love you, my friend. We will be hugging again on Wednesday. You are not alone.
Tea with Tiffany, At
September 4, 2008 at 8:21 PM
You are truly blessed, Beth! And Amy is such a pretty young lady!
Have a blessed weekend!
i, At
September 4, 2008 at 9:02 PM
wonderful-horrible... i like that. =) you're blessed to have a daughter like amy.
Anonymous, At
September 4, 2008 at 9:47 PM
Thank God for giving you a very dear daughter. This is such a lovely tribute to her. May God bless and guide her wherever He leads her. Beautiful thankful post! Thanks for sharing with us. Praying for you and her. Take care!
Nancie, At
September 5, 2008 at 1:40 AM
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