Getting Random, Just For The Fun Of It
Lea, my blogging pal at Shabby Olde Potting Shed, tagged me for a Random MeMe. I'm to share 7 random things about myself and then tag 7 other blogging friends to do the same.
So, here goes:
- I love waterfalls! My husband Rob took that photo on a recent weekend hike with a close buddy.
- When I get nervous, I tend to laugh. You should have heard me the first time I tried rock climbing. Once I got down, the instructor looked at me and said, "You didn't hear a word I said, did you? My reply? "Nope. But I'm on the ground--and I'm smiling."
- My favorite treat? Jellybeans! I like my sugar with just a little bit of added color.

- Up until this year, I could say I had never eaten brussel sprouts. I am now sorry to say that I have tasted exactly one brussel sprout. And I confess I spit it out.
- I am a twin. My sister, Brenda, was born 4 minutes after me, which makes me the older sister. Brenda and I are fraternal twins. We couldn't even convince people we were sisters, much less twins, when we were growing up. No fun stories of switching places. That's Brenda in the red dress and me in the yellow dress. See, only similarity is we're both girls! Those other folks are my older brother, Bobby, my younger (and taller) brother, Kenny, and my younger sister, Theresa.

- I hate spiders. Hates them. Hates. them. 'Nough said about that.
- I've been to Venice once--and would love to go again. What a magical, lyrical, beautiful city. My son, Josh, took this photo when he visited there a couple of years ago.

Tiffany, over at Tea for Tiffany
Kristi, over at KiKi's Corner
Denise, over at Teacups and Time
Marsha, over at Marsha's Musings
Laurie Ann, over at A Magnolia's Heart Beats
Lori, over at Front Porch Legacy
Nancie, over at More Than Conquerors
Labels: Random Fun Meme
What a fun list! I'm with you on the spiders thing and I would certainly love to go to Venice one day. Lea tagged me too and I have my list posted at the end of my long blog today. Thanks for the tag! I'm so blessed by my visits to your blog. Sweet blessings to you!
Kristi, At
September 19, 2008 at 5:56 AM
Right there with you on jellybeans, spiders and brussel sprouts. Too funny I was tagged, too! Mission accomplished. Have a great Friday and weekend!
Laurie Ann, At
September 19, 2008 at 6:58 AM
Morning Beth! Thanks for tagging me. This will be my first MeMe to participate in. I've got to start cleaning our house this morning, so I'll come back later this evening and post. Thanks.
Front Porch Legacy, At
September 19, 2008 at 7:46 AM
I am a laugher also. When I get hurt, or someone else falls down, etc. I start laughing. That is not appreciated if someone is injured. When I would fall or get hurt my physician husband understood my laughing but it drove him batty when he was trying to help me and I'm giggling and holding an injured part of my body. Lucille Ball comes to mind and frustrated Desi!!!
I love your writing....hope some of it will rub off on me.
God bless you.
Kay Martin, At
September 20, 2008 at 6:45 AM
Hey there Miss Beth!
First, I LOVE seeing your picture uPCLOSE at the potting shed! WHOOhOOOO!
AND I totally loved your randomness; you jellybean eater you. Love when people share these little mems coz you really get to know em better!
The waterfall picture is so pretty. That guy of yours is a great photographer!
Hey, you don't need the "wiseguy," coz your bloggy friend at the Potting shed will tell you anytime you want that YOU ARE A PERSON OF VERY GREAT WORTH! I happen to think you just ROCK!-
I JUST finished praying for Amy!
Leaon Mary, At
September 20, 2008 at 3:13 PM
Right there with you on the spiders... UGH!
Have a great week!
Melanie, At
September 21, 2008 at 9:12 PM
Okay--we seem to all be in agreement--we hate spiders!!
Beth K. Vogt, At
September 21, 2008 at 9:37 PM
Hi Beth! I finally get 7 Random Things About Me posted!!!
Check it out here:
Front Porch Legacy, At
September 24, 2008 at 2:39 PM
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